
三农助农2022-06-28 03:22:36佚名

  CANADA - The Chair of the Canadian Pork Council says one of the organization's top priorities is working with government to make AgriStability more responsive to the needs of pork producers, writes Bruce Cochrane.The Canadian Pork Council, a national organization that represents the interests Canada's pork producers, celebrates its 50 anniversary in 2016.CPC Chair Rick Bergmann told those attending the 45th Banff Pork Seminar last week, among the organization's top priorities during 2016 will be negotiating improvements to business risk management programs under Growing Forward 2.

  布鲁斯·科克伦(Bruce Cochrane)写道,加拿大猪肉理事会主席称,理事会其中一个头等任务是协助政府维持农业稳定,让更多有需要的猪肉生产商响应。加拿大猪肉理事会是一个全国性的组织,它代表加拿大猪肉生产商的利益,在2016年庆祝诞辰50周年。加拿大猪肉理事会主席瑞克·伯格曼(Rick Bergmann)告诉上周参加第45届班芙猪肉研讨会的与会者,组织的首要任务是在不断向上增长的基础上磋商并改进2016年的业务风险管理项目。

本文标签: ,业务风险管理  ,农业稳定  ,养猪行情  


