
三农助农2022-04-16 07:50:49佚名

  IRELAND - The pig trade remains relatively positive this week, but a number of processors have attempted to take heat out of the rising market, according to Tom Hogan, Chairman of the IFA Pigs Committee.While southern processors remained steady after increasing quotes by 4c/kg last week, processors in the midlands, which had been driving the upward price trend, attempted to reduce quotes to some pig suppliers. Deals were being done for spot loads of pigs for up to 1.72, with 1.70 being the general run of prices received this week.Hogan commentated that all market indicators pointed towards a steady, to rising pig price over the coming weeks and months and said there was absolutely no reason for any processor to lower quotes. Pig farmers have only just returned to a profitable margin in recent weeks, after over 18 months of loss-making pig prices.

  根据爱尔兰农场主协会养猪委员会主席汤姆·霍根(Tom Hogan)表示,本周爱尔兰生猪交易保持相对活跃,但有许多猪肉加工商尝试寒却火爆的市场。南部加工商在上周把报价提高4欧分/千克后,其报价保持稳定,中部地区的加工商曾是价格趋势上涨的动力,但在最近试图减少对生猪供应商的报价。现货大批量生猪的成交价格上涨至1.72欧元/千克,本周价格总体走向在1.7欧元/千克。霍根主席解释说:“所有的市场指标都指向在未来几周或数月的一个稳定上涨的猪价,对加工商来说,没有任何减少报价的理由。爱尔兰养猪户遭受18个月的亏损猪价后,在近几周已经归到盈利区间。”

本文标签: ,爱尔兰  ,猪价  ,亏损  ,市场分析  


