
三农助农2022-06-17 17:53:06佚名

  US - William J. Even, an agriculture-industry leader with substantial senior management experience in crop and livestock production, will join the National Pork Board as its new Chief Executive Officer on June 6, 2016. Currently based in South Dakota, Even is Global Industry Relations Lead with DuPont Pioneer.“As a fourth-generation farmer, I have deep, personal knowledge of the challenges facing today’s pork producers and I am impressed with and completely support the Pork Checkoff’s strategic plan that guides and directs its programs,” said Even.

  威廉·埃文(William J. Even)是一位农业领导者,在农作物和畜牧生产中具有扎实的资深管理经验,他将在2016年6月6日加入国家猪肉委员会(National Pork Board),成为新的首席执行官(Chief Executive Officer)。埃文目前就职于南达科塔州(South Dakota)的全球行业领导者杜邦先锋公司(DuPont Pioneer)。埃文说:“作为家中的第四代农民,我对猪肉生产现在濒临的挑战有着深深的个人见解。我对猪肉基金会引领项目的战略准备而深有感触,并将尽全支持它。”

本文标签: ,猪肉生产  ,猪肉基金会  ,美国  ,养猪行情  


